Raven Nation
Raven Nation Mission: The mission of the Raven Nation is to challenge today’s Benedictine student to be an active member in the campus community.
How Can You Help: By giving to the Raven Nation, you are helping spread your company name throughout the Benedictine student population through pre-game and in-game promotions. In addition to engaging the student population, in conjunction with the Benedictine Raven Sports Network, your company name will reach the households of Ravens across the nation who tune in to listen and watch Raven Athletics over the internet.
What is BRSN?
BRSN is the home for Raven and Lady Raven Athletics on the internet. BRSN streams audio and video broadcasts world wide to fans, families and supporters of Benedictine College Athletics. Advertising through BRSN allows your business to reach out to a variety of fans and families of Benedictine Athletics and Raven student-athletes.
Raven Nation Contact:
Josh Pound
Sports Information Director
To learn more about how you can be a sponsor of the Raven Nation, please contact Josh or download our Raven Nation Flier for information on the various sponsorship opportunities.
Dakota Smith
Asst. SID/Director of BRSN & Raven Athletics Media